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Meet Our Team



Mr M Elliott

Class Teachers 

Miss E Sproule              EYFS & Year 1, Wren Class

Ms D Suttle                    Year 1 & 2, Robin Class

Mrs C Dewdney            Year 3 & 4 Kestrel Class

Mrs E Preston               Year 5 & 6 Hawks Class

Teaching Assistants


Mrs D Crawford            Forest school lead, PE Lead

Mrs T Mattless              ELKAN Speech and Language, SEN support

Miss L Wiffin                 EYFS

Mrs M Wye                   Phonics, early reading

Mrs M Appleby            Forest school lead, RE Lead, Breakfast Club

Mrs S Riley                   ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support                           

                                      Assistant), Intervention lead

Miss D Burton

Mrs K Pickerell


Ms D Suttle

Midday Supervisors


Mrs M Appleby

Mrs S Riley

Mrs T Mattless

Mrs D Crawford

Miss D Burton

Mrs K Pickerell

Administration Team


Mrs Z Thistlethwaite    School Business Manager

Mrs E Levitt                    School Administrator

Mrs E Harvey                 School Receptionist


Site team

Mr P Tilney

Mrs H Noble

Mrs M Stanford

Safeguarding Officers

Mr M Elliott                   Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms D Suttle                   Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead